Brief aspects about: Internet, democracy and citizen participation


  • María Fátima Pinho De Oliveira



The main objective of this study is to address how the Internet, democracy and citizen participation converge in a framework of participatory governance from the perspective of Open Government. There is no doubt that the Internet is here to stay and even more so in these times of COVID-19, that is why governments should take advantage of it in order to incorporate citizens in strengthening it as well as guarantee their participation in the public politics, but for this it must be transparent, participatory and collaborative. This study aims to present brief considerations on the integration of the Internet, democracy and citizen participation, addressing the following topics: 1. Participation and Information Technologies, 2. Electronic Government for Democracy, 3. Democracy and Citizen Participation, and 4. Open Government.


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Author Biography

María Fátima Pinho De Oliveira

Abogado de la Universidad Santa María (1999). Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad Central de Venezuela (2019-).
Magíster Scientiarum en Derecho Penal de la Universidad Santa María (2008). Especialista en Derecho Penal de la Universidad Santa María
(2001). Profesora Asociada adscrita al Departamento de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, de las cátedras
Fundamentos de Derecho e Introducción al Derecho. Coordinadora de Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas del Decanato de Investigación y
Desarrollo de la USB (2014-2016 y 2021-). Autora de varios artículos sobre gobernabilidad y participación ciudadana. Áreas de investigación:
Sociología política, Participación ciudadana y Derecho comparado



How to Cite

Pinho De Oliveira, M. F. (2021). Brief aspects about: Internet, democracy and citizen participation: Array. Temas De Comunicación, (43), 7–19.



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