About violated and silenced bodies: The «absolute evil» in Entre los rotos by Alaíde Ventura Medina and Nefando by Mónica Ojeda


  • Leonardo Mendoza Rivero Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


In this paper, we are interested in thinking about a form of violence representation that is dissimilar to what is customary in much of the Latin American literary canon, more accustomed to recording political or urban conflicts than to delving into the depths of domestic violence. For this reason, we want to study the novels Entre los rotos by Alaíde Ventura Medina and Nefando by Mónica Ojeda, with the intention of looking for the way in which notions such as abjection, absolute evil, jouissance, sadism and the different practices of silence operate in them, with the purpose to find out the consequences of those horrors which are more common than we accept in our societies.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Rivero, L. (2022). About violated and silenced bodies: The «absolute evil» in Entre los rotos by Alaíde Ventura Medina and Nefando by Mónica Ojeda. Baciyelmo, (4). Retrieved from https://revistasenlinea.saber.ucab.edu.ve/index.php/baciyelmo/article/view/5796




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