The morphemic analysis of Pemón Taurepán in the interlinear interlinear texts of Vom Roraima zum Orinoco by Theodor Koch-Grünberg
Linguistics indigenous, Venezuelan, Interlinear, Theodor KochGrünbergAbstract
This paper presents a partial analysis of the linguistic work of the German ethnographer Thcodor Koch-Grünbc. linguistic work of the German ethnographer Thcodor Koch-Grünbc,g. A from the examination of texts in the Taurepan dialect of Pemón, Caribbean language spoken in Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana, collected by Koch-Grünberg. by Koch-Grünberg and presented in an interlinear format in his monumental work monumental work Vom Roratma zum Orlnoco, it can be concluded that Koch-Grünberg that this author attained a very advanced knowledge of the morphological and morphoslntaxis of this language, which is evident in the correct morpheme correct morphemic segmentation in the texts mentioned above. mentioned. In order to reinforce this idea through comparison, an interlinear text is offered with a contemporary morphemic an51isls. contemporary.