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  • Antonio Astorgano Abajo Real Academia de Extremadura



The Pragmatic Sanction of Carlos III, who expelled all the Jesuits from his dominions from the Spanish Empire in 1767, had a cruel exception. About thirty Jesuit missionaries who worked painfully in the most extreme regions (northern New Spain and southern Chile) were imprisoned in convents of dioceses in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula, whose bishops were the most servile of the royalist policy of Madrid power. They were authentic hostages, since they were never tried or charged against them. It is suspected that the main reason was the fear that they could transmit information to foreign powers, such as England. In the present study, we look at the five Mexican missionaries who suffered imprisonment and died in convents in the Diocese of Plasencia (Cáceres).


Keywords: Mexican expelled missionaries, Carlos III, Diocese of Plasencia, Maneiro, Félix Sebastián.


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Author Biography

Antonio Astorgano Abajo, Real Academia de Extremadura

Catedrático jubilado de Lengua y Literatura Españolas de Instituto de Educación Secundaria, ha participado en diversas revistas científicas y obras colectivas.


FERNÁNDEZ ARRILLAGA, Inmaculada, Jesuitas rehenes de Carlos III: misioneros desterrados de América presos en El Puerto de Santa María (1769-1798), El Puerto de Santa María, Concejalía de Cultura, 2009.

MANEIRO, Juan Luis, Vidas de algunos mexicanos ilustres.Traducción de Alberto Valenzuela Rodarte. Estudio introductorio y apéndice de Ignacio Osorio Romero, México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1988, pp. 332-342.

LÓPEZCASTILLO,Gilberto,“LosprocesosdesecularizaciónyexpulsióndelosjesuitasdeSinaloaySonora,1722-1769”,IHS:AntiguosJesuitasenIberoamérica,Vol.7,Nº.1(2019),pp.62-88; LÓPEZCASTILLO,Gilberto,“Loslímitesdelaevangelizaciónjesuita:LasalidadelosindiosmayosyyaquisdelasmisionesdeSinaloa(México)enlossiglosXVIIyXVIII”,enXXXConvegnoInternazionalediAmericanistica, Perugia, 2008,pp.209-214.



How to Cite

Astorgano Abajo, A. (2021). Array Array: Array. Revista Montalbán, 1(58), 119.


