Rural and Urban properties annexed to the Maximum College Of Santafé, 1604 -1767
This study is presented to the reader that has as its specific objective the historical, architectural and regional knowledge of the urban and rural properties that were annexed to the Colegio Máximo de Santafé in 1767, according to the State and General Map that manifests the number of haciendas occupied by the religious of the Company in the College of the city of Santafé , 1768 , prepared by Don Francisco Moreno y Escandón, Prosecutor and Protector of the Royal Audience and commissioned to that school, at the time of his strangeness and occupation. To know the educational establishments established by the Society of Jesus in the main cities of the New Kingdom of Granada during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it is essential to include the goods attached to the schools, which may well be urban possessions such as houses, shops, weeds, mills, among others, and rural possessions, such as haciendas, located in warm or cold temperament and that served as a view.
Keywords: Rural and urban properties, Colegio Máximo de Santa Fe, annexed property, Society of Jesus.
José del Rey Fajardo. La enseñanza de las humanidades en los colegios jesuíticos neogranadinos, 1604-1767, Pontificia Universidad javeriana, Archivo Histórico Javeriano, Bogotá, 2005, p. 33.
José del Rey Fajardo. La enseñanza de las humanidades en los colegios jesuíticos neogranadinos, 1604-1767, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Archivo Histórico Javeriano, Bogotá, 2005, p. 91.
José del Rey Fajardo. La enseñanza de las humanidades en los colegios jesuíticos neogranadinos, 1604-1767, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Archivo Histórico Javeriano, Bogotá, 2005, p. 65.
José del Rey Fajardo. La enseñanza de las humanidades en los colegios jesuíticos neogranadinos, 1604-1767, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Archivo Histórico Javeriano, Bogotá, 2005, p. 65.
José del Rey Fajardo. La enseñanza de las humanidades en los colegios jesuíticos neogranadinos, 1604-1767, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Archivo Histórico Javeriano, Bogotá, 2005, p. 65.
A.H.N., Legajo 955/4, 1768, Clero-Jesuitas, fol. 1r.
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