future scenarios


  • José Antonio Gil Yepes Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


In 2016, the possibility of a recall referendum appears and if things continue as they are, well, obviously someone is going to raise their hand and say "Look, we are going to hold a recall referendum because the problems that the country has are so elementary and so overwhelming that we think it should be done. Well, later we will see the scenarios that can be woven for the years to come and what factors such contexts depend on and in the end we will talk about scenarios of national transformation.

The crisis is mounted on a negative government-business climate, these relations have not been good but not in 15 years but in a long time. I believe that there are three elements that explain the fall of the previous regime: one, the oil policy that is still in force and is disastrous; two, the re-election of the president for ten years, then, this man who for ten years could not repeat is going to dedicate himself to sabotaging those who could succeed him and to sabotaging the generational transition, he is sabotaging his own party and his own institutions, well that's what we did; The third element is to teach people that businessmen are enemies of workers and workers are enemies of businessmen, that is like telling students that the teacher is their enemy. That makes neither head nor tail, at least in no country that has managed to develop, if you think there is evidence of that, we are going to correct it, but we cannot remain seated in hatred and in a class struggle because That is an absolutely outdated thesis.

