Culture of Peace in violent contexts


  • Luisa Pernalete Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


From the organization of this Forum I was asked to work on the issue of the culture of peace in these violent contexts, eh, who is going to pass me the pictures? violent, it is very violent, every three hours a Venezuelan dies for violent reasons in this country, and in

the case of children and adolescents, which is the Human Rights issue that I work on the most, because according to the report of the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence and
Cecodap, last year three (3) children or adolescents died per day, that is, ninety

(90) per month and there we have to say that there is dark data because there are many people who are dying violently in this country, about which we know little.
In the violent context there is also the issue of the environment, here in Bolívar state, no, in the Guayana region, the environment is murdered with the Arco Minero and now everything is legal, the first time I saw it in 1998 when I went to our Las Claritas school, I saw a very large crater and I was really surprised and I never erased this, this is not from Las Claritas but afterwards we have continued to see, right?, but also afterwards, when I had to go for work reasons, look what privileged I was, for work reasons, I went to the Gran Sabana every three months, eh?... I went to the schools that we have in the jungle, I also went to visit them and I saw those terrible bald men from the plane, but in that time it was illegal, that is, one could denounce it, now it is a murder, a legal crime with the Arco Minero.

