Peaceful conflict resolutions as a technique to reduce violent behavior in children


  • Scarlee De Jesús Universidad José María Vargas


This research was performed in the U.E.M.I “Carlos Soublette”, specically in a third grade classroom, where boys and girls, that are part of the student population, face disruptive situations daily. The methodology allowed to know various bibliographies and researches on the topic of violence prevention mechanisms, which were carried out in similar contexts to that presented in this institution. It was also emphasized through ethnographic records the causes and modes of action to express violent behaviors before common everyday situations of the school day.

Keywords: violence, peaceful conflict resolutions, preventions mechanisms.

Author Biography

Scarlee De Jesús, Universidad José María Vargas

Licenciada en Educación Especial, Mención: Dificultades de Aprendizaje, Universidad José María Vargas.

How to Cite

De Jesús, S. (2015). Peaceful conflict resolutions as a technique to reduce violent behavior in children. Educab, (5), 101–124. Retrieved from


