Optimizing Efficiency in Work Teams. Case Study at the Executive Level in a Venezuelan Company in the Technology Sector


  • Javier Díaz


work, team, group, efficiency, executive, optimization


An intervention session was implemented at the team level to improve the effectiveness of the executive team in a Venezuelan company in the Technology sector. The study is part of the Action-Research context. For this, as a methodological process, the following phases were complied with: (a) Diagnose the level of effectiveness of the executive team in the company under study in order to identify and/or characterize the conditions that affect its operation; (b) Intervene at the team level to improve the effectiveness of the members that comprise it and; (c) Evaluate the results of the execution of the proposed intervention to improve the effectiveness of the executive team and, based on them, suggest the reinforcements that may be required for its institutionalization. Through the examination, it was possible to detect the factors that affect the development of the company under study and demand a new push in the functioning of the executive team. The study was carried out with a group made up of eleven individuals who occupy directive and managerial positions in the organization. It was possible to show that the operation of the equipment is not very effective. Based on the results, a strategy was formulated to enable spaces towards the optimization of efficiency in this segment. The results of the intervention session were evaluated from the reactions of the participants.


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How to Cite

Díaz, J. (2023). Optimizing Efficiency in Work Teams. Case Study at the Executive Level in a Venezuelan Company in the Technology Sector. Journal on Industrial and Labor Relations, (55), 49–72. Retrieved from https://revistasenlinea.saber.ucab.edu.ve/index.php/rrii2/article/view/6182