A Sketch for Reconstruction. Contributions for the Rescue of the Venezuelan Educational System


  • Carlos Fernando Calatrava


political crisis, educational crisis, reconstruction, educational system, political system


The relation between the political system and the Venezuelan educational system showed the effects of the exercise of a model of governance established since 1999. Model that promised the satisfaction of postponed demands in the society through the change in the rules of the constitutional pact, which led to the emergence of new ways of understanding the national political fact. However, the form and values of the Venezuelan State, the purposes of Venezuelan education and the constitutional definition of education and work as fundamental processes for the consolidation of democracy, requires an assessment of the state of the educational system from the perspective of their needs, as well as the generation of contributions that can visualize a scenario that approximates the rescue and reconstruction of the Venezuelan school institution. In this sense, with this work it is hoped to answer the following question: What are the guidelines for the reconstruction of the educational system in response to the determinants of the Venezuelan political system? The answer to this question implies focusing on some results of compulsory schooling, expressed through performance, as well as the review of other indicators such as school population, schooling rate, schools and teaching staff.


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How to Cite

Calatrava, C. F. (2023). A Sketch for Reconstruction. Contributions for the Rescue of the Venezuelan Educational System. Journal on Industrial and Labor Relations, (55), 5–30. Retrieved from https://revistasenlinea.saber.ucab.edu.ve/index.php/rrii2/article/view/6180