Culture and meaning of work in Venezuela: questions about its conformation and relevance


  • Clemencia Abad


Work as a phenomenon is a topic of special interest within societies, whether industrialized or pointing towards an industrializing process. Although this characteristic is not constituted as exclusive for the appearance of work as a phenomenon, its influence is recognized by its presence and development (with nuances in time and space) in different latitudes since the beginning of the 19th century. Venezuela is part of these societies, adding to its particularization a set of conditions that currently describe a multidimensional crisis that threatens the quality of life of those who maintain a link with this country. Searching for elements that can help identify and understand the core problems and opportunities of this nation is imperative, and the world of work is no more than one of the focuses where to find them. It is recognized that part of what allows and structures the functioning of this world is the labor activity that people do, because trough the execution of responsibilities in their roles, each person can become an enabler or a constrictor. Thus, understanding them in the framework of work can be central, an issue that leads this document to consider the possibility of delving into the meanings and behaviors, elements that are recognized within the concept of Work Culture.

Key words: Work Culture, Meaning of Work, Work Behaviors.

Author Biography

Clemencia Abad

Graduated from Industrial Relations and Specialist in Project Management from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela. Doctoral student in Social Sciences at Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela. She has worked as a teacher and researcher in the study of work and labor relations, and has participated in consulting projects associated with these issues for public and private organizations. She is currently head of the Industrial Relations and Sociology programs at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.



How to Cite

Abad, C. (2021). Culture and meaning of work in Venezuela: questions about its conformation and relevance: Array. Journal on Industrial and Labor Relations, (54), 05–28. Retrieved from