Hermann González S.J, o la pasión por la cartografía histórica
Historical cartography, Atlas, Maps, Guipuzcoana Company, Real Navy, Borders expedition, Military engineers, Mathematics schools, Severo Mallet-Prevost, Guayana, Guarapiche, Trujillo, Carora, Paraute, Araucas, Antonio de Berrío, Raleigh, D´´AnvilleAbstract
Father Hermann Gonzáles Oropeza, S.J. was an expert in
Venezuelan historical cartography. In this aricle, we offer his
point of view on how the study of this discipline should be
approached in our country, and hls more meaningful published
works. The objective of the artlcle is to know the professional
evolution of the author from his first projects until his top
work: Atlas de la Historia Cartografica de Venezuela (Atlas of
the Cartographic History of Venezuela).
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How to Cite
Donís Ríos, M. A. (2024). Hermann González S.J, o la pasión por la cartografía histórica. Revista Montalbán, 1(32). Retrieved from https://revistasenlinea.saber.ucab.edu.ve/index.php/revistamontalban/article/view/6972
IV. Cartografía, Fronteras Y Otros Asuntos