Texto 1: El Tratado De Munster De Westfalia De 1648


  • Autor de Revista Montalbán UCAB


Netherlands, Münster, Westfalia, Rebellion, Spain, Holland, Philip IV, Count of Olivares, Self governments, Catalonia, War of the thirty years, Richelieu, Portugal, Brazil, United Provinces


The struggle sustained against France, the restarted war
againstthe Netherlands and the rebellion of Portugal (annexed
in times of Philip II) begun in 1640, led Spain toan intemational
truce in 1648. Spain sought regroup its forces to combat france
an Portugal. From the truce came the Münster Treaty or
Wesúalia Treaty, which reoriented the correlation of forces in
Europe since the second half of century XVII. A general view
ofthis conflict and Spain's interests, as well as the Poruguese
rebellion and this Netherlands' situation is given in this artide.


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How to Cite

Revista Montalbán, A. de. (2024). Texto 1: El Tratado De Munster De Westfalia De 1648 . Revista Montalbán, 1(32). Retrieved from https://revistasenlinea.saber.ucab.edu.ve/index.php/revistamontalban/article/view/6958



II. Hermann González Oropeza, Tres Textos Inéditos

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