Los primeros pasos para la construcción de una ciencia nacional en México. El caso de la microbiología a finales del siglo XIX.


  • Natalia Priego Martínez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Xochimilco


Mexico, Science, Microbiologist, XIX Century


During the second half of the XIX Century in Mexico did start
an apropriation proccess of the microbiological paradigm
bom in Europe. Particular social and political conditions 1n
that moment, have conferred typical characteristics to this new
science. Perhaps the most important of them was observed in
die long term. It was possible to impor from France the
knowledge and the .. know how in order to the elaboration of
vaccines and study of the principal disseases which has
afTected to the rcgion. However, having aquired boundary
knowledgement and the neccesary equipment towarcls its
development and aplication, always social context detennines
and shapes their own scientific work. Nevertheless under
purely scientiflc precepts. Microbiology and its intregration
progress to the Mexican culture is a good example.


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How to Cite

Priego Martínez, N. (2024). Los primeros pasos para la construcción de una ciencia nacional en México. El caso de la microbiología a finales del siglo XIX. Revista Montalbán, 1(36). Retrieved from https://revistasenlinea.saber.ucab.edu.ve/index.php/revistamontalban/article/view/6844


