The fiscal opinion of campomanes. The Jesuits vs. the Reserved Way (1766-1767). Documentary Memory


  • Carlos Rodríguez Souquet Universidad Católica Andrés Bello



Campomanes, Dictamen fiscal, Expulsion, Jesuitas, Pesquisa secreta


The Fiscal Opinion, composed by Don Pedro Rodríguez Campomanes and endorsed by the Extraordinary
Council, served as a legal instrument for Charles III to expel the Jesuits from the Kingdom of Spain and its
Indies. The thesis of the participation of the Jesuits -as authors- in the riot of Holy Week of 1766 in Madrid, as
well as their supposed tutelage with respect to the illicit pasquines of those days, served as a starting point for the
Secret Inquiry that would conclude with the writing of the judicial report of the Count of Campomanes and the
hasty estrangement of the Jesuits in Spain. Hence, revisiting the 172 pages of the Opinion – leaving room for the
voice of its author and the witnesses of the Inquiry – will allow us to adjust the perception of this place of
collective memory, allowing us to remember or, perhaps, discover the social, cultural and legal parameters that
formed the imaginary of its rapporteur and of the people questioned then and today.


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Pedro Campomanes, Dictamen Fiscal sobre Jesuitas al Consejo Extraordinario, manuscrito, 1766-1767, Archivo de

Pedro Campomanes (APC), 45-4, Archivo de la Fundación Universitaria Española (FUE), Madrid, fol. 20r.

Bando del Real Consejo de Castilla sobre la prohibición de pasquines, Impreso, 14 de abril de 1766, Biblioteca

Digital Memoria de Madrid, MB 674, Biblioteca del Ayuntamiento, Madrid, fols. 3.

Memorial ajustado a la causa criminal sobre motín de Esquilache [...] dirigida por algunos Regulares de la

Compañía, Impreso, 21 de diciembre de 1766, Memoria Digital de Cataluña, M 32061, Archivo del Colegio de

Abogados de Cataluña, Cataluña, pp 55.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Souquet, C. (2024). The fiscal opinion of campomanes. The Jesuits vs. the Reserved Way (1766-1767). Documentary Memory. Revista Montalbán, 1(63).


