Sardinian Antonio Machoni. Missionary, professor and superior in the Jesuit province of Paraguay


  • Carlos Page



Antonio Machoni, Lules, Jesuit Province of Paraguay, Jesuit writers


In this paper we present a biography constructed with published and unpublished sources on the Jesuit Antonio
Machoni with the aim of visualizing the diversified work he carried out in the Province of Paraguay in the first half of the 18th century. He fulfilled functions in the most important ministries of the Society of Jesus, once he finished his studies at the Colegio Máximo de San Ignacio de Córdoba, where he was also professor and rector in the last years of his life. But he was also an outstanding missionary among ethnic groups that were not Christianized and difficult to approach, completing functions as procurator to Europe and provincial. In each of these activities he left publications that mark his experience and trans-fer of knowledge to his continuators. We try to summarize one of those many "illustrious lives", little recognized, which we intend to amend as an example of pastoral life in the re-mote American lands.


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Author Biography

Carlos Page

Arquitecto por la Universidad Católica de Córdoba y Doctor en Historia por la Universidad del Salvador.
Investigador de carrera del CONICET-CIECS/UNC (Argentina).


Arquitecto por la Universidad Católica de Córdoba y Doctor en Historia por la Universidad del Salvador. Investigadorde carrera del CONICET-CIECS/UNC (Argentina)

Antonio Machoni SJ, Las siete estrellas de la mano de Jesus. Tratado histórico de las admirables vidas, y resplandores de virtudes de siete Varones Ilustres de la Compañía de Jesús, naturales de Cerdeña, y Misioneros Apostólicos de la Provincia del Paraguay de la misma Compañía (Córdoba, Colegio de la Assumpcion: por Joseph Santos Balbàs, 1732) Sección introductoria sin numerar

Isabel Burdiel, “La dama de blanco. Notas sobre la biografía histórica”. In: Isabel Burdiel y Manuel Pérez Ledesma, coord., Liberales, agitadores y conspiradores. Biografías heterodoxas del siglo XIX. (Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2000), 40-41.



How to Cite

Page, C. (2022). Sardinian Antonio Machoni. Missionary, professor and superior in the Jesuit province of Paraguay. Revista Montalbán, 1(60), 73.


