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  • Anuario Venezolano de Derechos Humanos
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  • Baciyelmo
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  • Cuadernos Ignacianos
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  • Poliarkía - Revista de Ciencia Política y Gobierno.
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  • Revista de la Facultad de Derecho
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  • Cuadernos UCAB
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  • Capacitación en Open Journal Systems
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  • Analogías del Comportamiento
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  • Educab
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  • Guayana Moderna
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  • Lógoi. Revista de Filosofia
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  • Guayana Sustentable
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  • Revista Montalbán
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  • Revista sobre relaciones industriales y laborales
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  • Revista Temas de Coyuntura
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  • Journal on Industrial and Labor Relations
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  • Tekhné
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  • Temas de Comunicación
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