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Guayana: a pending promise

Guayana: a pending promise


  • Jorge Roig Navarro Expresidente de Fedecámaras y Miembro de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo


Where are the shots going? What are the new development models? So, well, this book that you see there with a sort of “One Hundred Years of Solitude” in its time (1596) was an absolute Best Seller. It was one thing, as well as the discovery of the rich and beautiful empire of Guyana and the relationship where it was already beginning to be thought that with a golden luck were all the riches. This book had a shock. It really was excellent luck, and no wonder. The only thing that Guyana does not have is the star and it does not have it because that material does not exist, but all the materials that exist on earth are here, hydroelectric potential, landscapes, national forests and diversity, human talent, exit to the Atlantic, but , do you name it? No, you name whatever you want to be here, all concentrated.





