El desarrollo endógeno como una utopía o como una propuesta real. Caso municipio Caroní. La prospectiva territorial como instrumento para acordar y promover el desarrollo de los territorios.


  • Henry Izquierdo Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


The global territorial prospective has prospered significantly, due to the continuous changes in the world, the speed and the amount of changes are going at great speed generating more and more uncertainty. This has made it possible for territorial prospective to establish possible scenarios and adopt strategies to forecast the development of a territory in a changing environment.
The methods used in the various countries and regions are considered to be the same or similar. However, there are different reasons and application conditions. In general, three common reasons for its use are observed: i) establish policies and strategies to achieve territorial development through government bodies; ii) instruct institutions and communities in holistic thinking and proactive action in order to have a vision of the future, to face an environment in permanent change and; iii) attend to structural problems such as hardship and internal complications, which can be addressed in a timely manner so that they do not become vicious circles or habitual problems.
Territorial prospective is a powerful instrument for the design of territorial scenarios, strategic plans and generating endogenous development strategies; and create dissertation spaces that allow citizens to project the cities they envision for the coming years.

