Derechos humanos como límite al poder del Estado


  • Eligio Rodríguez Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


Hello. First of all, we would like to thank the invitation that has been made to us and obviously to the organizers of this fifteenth Sustainable Guayana Forum, which, as the Vice Chancellor said and Professor Claudia also pointed out, is an annual opportunity where we can debate interesting and current issues that impact, in some way, our region.

I am pleased that we can even talk about aspects such as the issue of Human Rights and, above all, touch on it after the reference made to governability, the issue of democracy and, as I said before, everything that has to do with the issue of values. Because in addition, they are things that I am going to take in the face of what we have been asked to address, the issue of Human Rights as limits to the power of the State. For this, I am going to focus on two aspects that will allow me to read, as far as possible, some general considerations regarding Human Rights in Latin America and, secondly, address what exactly those limits would be. today Human Rights as a fundamental basis for the issue of the exercise of power.

