Words of welcome to the XVIII Sustainable Guayana Forum


  • Arturo Peraza Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


Father Arturo Peraza sj. Vice Chancellor of the Guayana Extension

Good morning to all, welcome to this forum that wants to be a citizen, that wants to express the concern that as a Catholic university we have regarding the issues that affect our city, our region and even concern globally.
This is a citizenship space in a country that lost citizenship spaces. It is a meeting space between the University and the city in which we want to think, in Guayana, its present and its future.
First of all, I would like to express my greetings and welcome to Monsignor Helizandro Terán, Diocesan Bishop of Ciudad Guayana, for whom I ask that we please give him a welcome applause.
From the beginning, I would like to put at your service, Mr. Bishop, this university as part of the institutions that are within the framework of the Catholic churches at the service of evangelization, with the understanding of preaching the good news in the way that we do in the university, but willing together with his entire team to work on the same horizon, thank you very much for joining us.
In the same way, I would like to welcome Father Luis Ovando Hernández sj, the new Rector of the Loyola Gumilla School, for whom I also ask that you please give him a welcome applause, he is part of our co-workers in the area in which we live and we exist, in the understanding of the Ignatian Apostolic Law in Guayana and specifically within the common park that we share, with a vision of an educational unit that we think, want and wish that it can influence the global context in Ciudad Guayana.

