Conversatorio Sobre Diversidad Cultural


  • Oscar Murillo Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


Well, good morning and thank you Oriana, and thanks to the organizers of the Sustainable Guayana Forum. Very happy to be here with you. Oriana was already ahead, but I
I had prepared, I'm from Upata, to emphasize what she mentioned.

To start this conversation on the subject of Cultural Diversity, and we have to be as concise as possible, because with those attractions that we have out there, people are thinking more about being outside than inside. But, I did want to begin by paying tribute in some way, when we are talking about the cultural diversity of the Bolívar state, to two great chroniclers who left us this year, and I really want to take advantage of the space of the Sustainable Guayana Forum so that let us bid him farewell and remember him, especially the recently deceased chronicler from Ciudad Guayana, Leopoldo Villalobos, and the chronicler from Upata, Ángel Romero, known as Romerito.
Both were wonderful writers who have left us many pages to remember, and I think it is part of our journalistic ethics, on the one hand, but also as Guyanese to remember that there are many pages to discover and revitalize, thank you very much, thank you to these two men of letters who helped us reflect and capture that Cultural Diversity of the Bolívar state.

