Propuestas Para El Consumo De Agua Salubre En Comunidades Indígenas Asentadas En El Estado Bolívar


  • Carmen Ravelo Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


good evening. This is a project that we are developing at the CIEPV in order to promote the consumption of safe water and good hygiene and sanitation practices for a better quality of life in indigenous communities, respecting the culture of each indigenous community.
The General Assembly of the United Nations in 2010 recognized the Human Right to Water and Sanitation, everyone on this planet has the right to have water suitable for consumption, in quality and quantity; unfortunately it is not so. Within the Sustainable Development Goals, the number 6 refers to "water and sanitation", water free of impurities and accessible to all is an essential part of the world in which we want to live, there is enough fresh water on the planet to achieve that dream (SDG, 2015).

