Dynamics of Small-Scale Mining as an Emerging System


  • César Romero Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


The expansion of small-scale mining in southern Venezuela represents an extremely complex national emergency problem due to the many aspects it shows. The polarizing logic with which the great political lobbies (national and international) are managed seeks to separate the waters around superficial positions. The dichotomous positions of being in favor of the Arco Minero project as the only alternative or of an impenetrable ironclad anti-mining stance, divert attention from urgent problems to be tackled.
To develop an in-depth debate, it is essential to address axes that characterize the specific realities of the region and its inhabitants, as well as the most outstanding changes in the last period. Taking refuge in a partial vision regarding the complex mining dynamics at a global and regional level can lead us to insufficient readings and approaches to face the harsh reality that unfolds around this activity. This article seeks to unblock critical knots in the debate and point towards new lines of analysis and orientation that begin to elucidate possible feasible and sustainable solutions.

