Pan-Amazonia Synod: Vision of the Church.


  • Helizandro Terán Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


Well, good afternoon everyone, I thank the University for the invitation to participate in this forum, perhaps from a perspective that is not very interesting for many, such as the ecclesial perspective of the entire Pan-Amazonian region, but which is still important thanks to the fact of the Synod that we had in Rome (October 6 to 27, 2019) in which this reality of the Amazon was analyzed.
A Synod has been held in Rome whose sole theme has been the Amazon. There has been an extensive discussion about the factors that are destroying this region – which, as the teacher already explained, is a region that extends to nine (9) countries; that it is inhabited by some 34 million inhabitants, three (3) million of whom are indigenous, and that this region is truly a biological heart of our planet earth, even though this Synod is regional – and I want to start by pointing out this – delimited to a area with a specific problem, it also has a certain universal character since what is happening in the Amazon is also happening in the Congo River basin in Africa and the same is happening in India and in the extreme east of Asia It is not only in the Amazon that this problem of destruction is being seen.
In what Venezuela protects, the Pan-Amazonian region encompasses from the ecclesial perspective, the Archdiocese of Ciudad Bolívar, the Diocese of Ciudad Guayana, the Diocese of Guasdalito and the Apostolic Vicariates of Amazonas, Delta Amacuro and Caroní, this represents a great ecclesiastical extension . In this

intervention I just want to underline some aspects that I consider relevant from the final document of the Amazon Synod

