What is the Amazon?


  • Florencia Cordero Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


Good afternoon, welcome back to this second session of the Sustainable Guayana Forum, which has been taking place for nineteen (19) years, welcome Monsignor Helizandro Terán and Dr. Arnoldo Gabaldon, special guests.
Today it is my turn to talk to you about: What is the Amazon?, but to answer this question I am going to divide the presentation into four (4) points:
1. What differentiates the Amazon from the Pan-Amazonia? -Sometimes we listen to “Panamazonia”, but what is one and what is the other? What is the difference between one and the other?
2. What are the benefits that the Panamazonia offers us?

3. The Current Situation of that Panamazonia –or that Amazonia-

4. And what are the actions for the rescue of the Pan-Amazonia? ,-in the particular case of the Venezuelan-.
Very well? then the first thing to consider is that the Amazon is made up of nine (9) countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, -not the entire territory of those countries, but one part- one part, not even Brazil, that one says “Amazonia” and thinks that the Amazon contemplates all of Brazil and it is not that way, -then we are going to clarify that with the concept of Amazonia and Panamazonia

