The technical dimension of sustainability.


  • Antonio Seijas Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


Good morning, good morning, well I come with a troop - do you see the troop here at the end? Well, first of all, really moved by the words of our special guest, Dr. Arnoldo Gabaldón. I was lucky enough to share with you in a diploma course that we did here in Guayana some time ago and, definitely, you are our reference. In my classes, I organize an activity related to his productions every semester – by the way, this semester (202015) we analyzed his book and of course we understood little, but well, we analyzed his book in some way (laughs) – and what is pursued is that our civil engineers who are not very given to the environment develop an environmental attitude, right? And what better way than to stroll through the vision that the teacher Arnaldo Gabaldon has precisely.
Truly, it is a pride for us that he came today and my boys told me, “but teacher, are we going after Professor Arnoldo Gabaldón?”, They all told me that they were very nervous and well it was our turn, plain and simple. Well, we will make a presentation with ten hands, as you can see, we are five -easy to multiply- in the first instance I will be very brief -something rare- and I will make an introduction to the context of the Pan-Amazon, and not only talk about Guayana, because we are Pan-Amazonians and I will also try to make a brief outline about some technical tools for sustainability but in the Panamazonia, and finally comes the part that I like, which is a kind of magical, religious approach, through poetry, the ecology of how to understand -e even- I would say that many things that Dr. Gabaldón said are collected there, it is a somewhat informally, right?, and finally we are going to give way to our students who are going to present their degree projects.

