Conference: The sustainability of development. expressions in Latin America and Venezuela: Context Guayana Region.


  • Arnoldo José Gabaldon Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


begin by stating that I feel very pleased, since it is the third time that I have participated in a Sustainable Guayana Forum. I have always been very interested in the motivation of these forums. I would like to thank the organizers, and especially Professor Gilberto Resplandor, for this invitation that I gladly accepted from the beginning, despite the uncertainties that exist in the country, especially in terms of mobilizations. Anyway, here we are present with the certainty that we are going to share ideas of mutual interest. The content of the talk consists, in the first place, of some approaches to
theoretical character, which I think should be refreshed. Then we are going to talk about Sustainable Development in Latin America and Venezuela in particular. Near the end, I will formulate some considerations on the Sustainable Development of Guayana and to conclude I will present a final message.

