
  • Arnold Gabaldon Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


Good morning, I am very pleased to participate in this XX Sustainable Guayana Forum, the dean told me a moment ago that I have become a regular customer, I think this is the fourth or fifth time that I have made a presentation in this context. In the first place, of course, I wish my greetings to the authorities of the UCAB Guayana extension, Father Arturo Peraza, the deans, the professors, the students and the general public who are participating in this forum.
I have entitled my presentation Proposal of the Orinoco Group on a sustainable development strategy for Guayana; it has a series of antecedents: last year I had to participate in the 19th edition of the Guayana Sustentable forum with a talk that was requested of me, which I entitled The sustainability of development: expressions in Latin America and Venezuela in the context of the Guayana Region, it was a topic very broad in which the last part made specific references to the situation in Guayana, and in this regard I explained that I saw at that time some extremely worrying risks that were, first, the Arco Minero de Guayana project, then the process of deinstitutionalization that it was observed that was happening in the region and the unknown that was raised at that time about the fate of the basic companies of Guayana.

