Suicide Prevention Program: towards a mental health proposal in Venezuela


  • Marina Del Gatto
  • Celibeth Guarín


: Program, Prevention, Suicide


This article presents the Program still under construction for the Prevention of Suicide developed by the School of Psychology of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, as a response to the marked need for attention and intervention of this phenomenon in the most vulnerable contexts of the country. This proposal constitutes a strategy for prevention, intervention and promotion of mental health in an integral and differentiated way, through the development of training, research, communication and direct attention processes in the area of psychosocial health. The development of this program will generate in different social actors, capacities to promote spaces, detect symptoms and risk factors, communicate assertively and intervene timely and effectively in issues related to mental health; secondly, provide relevant information on contextualized psychosocial variables and services to promote mental health at local, regional and national levels; promote in the inhabitants of vulnerable communities personal, social, technical and ethical competencies necessary to enhance their psychological well-being. Finally, it aims to contribute with information that will allow the generation of public policy actions


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How to Cite

Del Gatto, M. ., & Guarín, C. . (2024). Suicide Prevention Program: towards a mental health proposal in Venezuela. Analogías Del Comportamiento, (24), 34–39. Retrieved from