Dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia: three case studies approached from educational psychology and neuroscience


  • Génesis Medina Álvarez Escuela de Psicología UCAB
  • Rubén Carvajal Santana Profesor Asociado UCAB


Educational neuroscience is an interdiscipline that seeks to understand the neural mechanisms involved in the fundamental cognitive processes for education (attention, language, reading, writing, calculation, memory and learning) in typical and atypical situations. The main objective of this research was to study three real cases of learning disorders (dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia) and to comparatively review the epistemological and therapeutic approaches of educational psychology and neuroscience to these disorders, obtained from the specialized literature and the analysis of the curricular meshes of 41 postgraduate courses in educational neuroscience. The educational neuroscience approach has been supported mainly by functional magnetic resonance brain studies of people with or without the aforementioned disorders, which has made it possible to identify various structures and neural circuits involved in these processes, which has contributed to enriching the interventions of the school psychologist and educator, by allowing early diagnosis of these disorders.


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Author Biographies

Génesis Medina Álvarez, Escuela de Psicología UCAB

Bachiller en Ciencias. Estudiante de noveno semestre de Psicología de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, becaria del programa Beca-Trabajo del Centro de Investigación y Formación Humanística de esta misma institución, en donde desempeña labores de asistencia en proyectos de investigación y publicación de artículos científicos, producción de material de apoyo para la docencia y formación de recursos humanos para la investigación y enseñanza en el área de Humanidades.

Rubén Carvajal Santana, Profesor Asociado UCAB

Licenciado en Química UCV, Magister Scientiarum en Ciencias Fisiológicas UCV, Doctor en Educación UCAB. Profesor Asociado UCAB. Asignaturas: Neurociencias I, Neuromarketing y Neuroeducación (pregrado); Seminario de Neuromarketing (posgrado). Coordinador del Diplomado en Neuromarketing del CIAP-UCAB. Investigador A en Neurofisiología del Instituto de Medicina experimental UCV. Tutor de 24 trabajos de grado y autor del libro Neurociencias ¿qué aporta a investigadores y docentes?



How to Cite

Medina Álvarez, G. ., & Carvajal Santana, R. . (2021). Dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia: three case studies approached from educational psychology and neuroscience : Array. Analogías Del Comportamiento, (19). Retrieved from https://revistasenlinea.saber.ucab.edu.ve/index.php/analogias/article/view/5172